WAEC 2017 History Question And Answer – May/June Exam Expo

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Question 1
Give an account of the socio-political organization of THE in PRE-COLONIAL ERRA
Question 2
(a)(i) List six tools used by wood carvers in pre- colonial times in Ghana .
(ii) Outline three reasons why wood carvers painted their finished products .
(b) Highlight three process of wood carving.
Question 3
(a)(i) Name six European nations that participated in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
(ii)List six tools used in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
(b)In what three ways were slaves obtained in Ghana
Question 4
(a)State three problems associated with legitimate trade.
(b)Examine any two effects of legitimate: trade on the Niger Delta States.
History obj
-Social organizations
-political organizations
-settlement organization
-social organizations
-Religion organization
-Economic development
-system of govnmt was monarchical
-The king was semi devine
-He serves as an intermediaries btn de ancestors nd de Gods
-King of west African
Sudanese states headed central government made up of ministries
-Ministers of states were paid for their services
-Subjects regarded their kings as source of life,death,adversity nd prosperity
-THE knowledge of iron technology
-The leadership of powerful members
-Able leaders
-The role of sacred symbols
-De role of traditional comodities
-The introductn of firearms
-The atlantic slave trade
7a (1)Governor Ransford Slater (2) Governor Hubert Stevenson (3) Governor Beresford Stooke.
7b The Chiefs were very important in the colonial administration of the British.
The following were the roles played by the chiefs.
(1) They helped the colonial administration to collect taxes and from the people and implemented policies of the Government.
(2) Chiefs were heads of their people or heads of ethnic life in terms of demoestic and customary issues. They were responsible for interpretations and enforcement of customary laws. They settled disputes in matters relating to native and customary laws.e.g. marriage, witchcraft and woman palava to name but a few.
(3) They acted as intermediaries between the colonial government and the natives. Paramount chiefs explained colonial policies to their subjects. The British colonial administration got the acceptance of the people through the help of the chiefs.
(4) The Chiefs helped the British colonial administrators to maintain law and order as well as security through the establishment of native police force. The dealt with minor cases and local people were compelled to be law abiding. The Chiefs made used of age grades as law enforcement agencies.
(5) They mobilized their subjects for the building of their chiefdoms through customary labour and tributes. They led their people and motivated them in communal work. Chiefs ensured the maintenance of roads, bridges,schools, health clinics and markets. They also ensured that the general sanitary conditions of the town and villages in their chiefdoms were maintained. The Chiefs organized force labour for the British colonial administration.
(6a) The Block Poor, Nova scotians and the Maroon.
(6b) 1 The rebellion resulted in the victory of the Sierra Leone Company( The then governing body of the colony)
(2) The ring leaders of the rebellion were arrested and tried. Some were killed and others banished from the colony.
(3) The rebellion led to the Bankruptcy of the Sierra Leone Company. When the colony the colony was destroyed by the French in 1794, the company spent 55000 pounds for the rehabilitation of the colony. And in other to get back the money spent by the company. The company imposed taxes on the nova Scotia which they refused to pay and eventually led to it bankruptcy.
(4) Finally, the local government program of the Nova Scotians was dissolved. This was as a result of the rebellion against the company in 1800.
the sherbro political structure consented of sub-chiefs that ruled the political provinces.. Three of there are
i Sei Bureh Of Terma Bum
ii So Kong of Impen
iii So to of cha
2b.i The sherbro political organization was based on an elective principles that is the leader were elected
ii the rulers were descendant of matrimonial ruling families
iii The poro society served as an advisory council to the king, Bei sherbro
iv. The sherbro country was divided into provinces placed under sub-chiefs. It's mean that they have a system of decentralization
i. Bilateral trading
ii. Financial assistance
iii. Educational support(scholarship to study anywhere)
iv. Political stabilization
v. Help in peace making
Colonial agriculture was introduced by colonialist to produce cash crops which were to be exported to European to feed various industries. There were three categories of colonial agriculture namely.
Plantation agriculture is a large production unit of agriculture producing for sell and employing a large number of unskilled labourer who are closely supervised.They were huge agriculture plantations with a single production, they were either owned by the colonial government or absent capitalist in Europe who sent representative to take over plantations
The concept of industry refer to primary activities which involve the production of of raw material for food stuffs and secondary processing which include manufacturing. During colonial rule there was little development of industries. There was found were mainly processing and extractive industries. The main objective these industry were to reduce bulkiness and weight in order to make the exportation of raw material easy and ensure low freight charges
Commercial activities in the colonial were managed and controlled by merchants capital middlemen and marketing boards. Market board and cooperative union were introduced y colonialist where the middle men were discouraged.
Trade was nothing new among the Africans. Africans had been trading for along time. The pre-colonial Africa, trade was characterized by two major feature.
Much of it was marketing rather than trading proper. In other word selling one’s non products and buying one’s goods instead of transporting goods from a distance with other intention of making a profit.
Trade expended with the introduction of the white and gained momentum in the 19th century. The introduction of colonial rule and the flow of settlers in the colonies changed the nature of the pre-colonial trade drastically European introduced new kind of trade which aimed to serve their interests.
7a (1)Governor Ransford Slater (2) Governor Hubert Stevenson (3) Governor Beresford Stooke.
7b The Chiefs were very important in the colonial administration of the British.
The following were the roles played by the chiefs.
(1) They helped the colonial administration to collect taxes and from the people and implemented policies of the Government.
(2) Chiefs were heads of their people or heads of ethnic life in terms of demoestic and customary issues. They were responsible for interpretations and enforcement of customary laws. They settled disputes in matters relating to native and customary laws.e.g. marriage, witchcraft and woman palava to name but a few.
(3) They acted as intermediaries between the colonial government and the natives. Paramount chiefs explained colonial policies to their subjects. The British colonial administration got the acceptance of the people through the help of the chiefs.
(4) The Chiefs helped the British colonial administrators to maintain law and order as well as security through the establishment of native police force. The dealt with minor cases and local people were compelled to be law abiding. The Chiefs made used of age grades as law enforcement agencies.
(5) They mobilized their subjects for the building of their chiefdoms through customary labour and tributes. They led their people and motivated them in communal work. Chiefs ensured the maintenance of roads, bridges,schools, health clinics and markets. They also ensured that the general sanitary conditions of the town and villages in their chiefdoms were maintained. The Chiefs organized force labour for the British colonial administration.
Question 1
Give an account of the socio-political organization of THE in PRE-COLONIAL ERRA
Question 2
(a)(i) List six tools used by wood carvers in pre- colonial times in Ghana .
(ii) Outline three reasons why wood carvers painted their finished products .
(b) Highlight three process of wood carving.
Question 3
(a)(i) Name six European nations that participated in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
(ii)List six tools used in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.
(b)In what three ways were slaves obtained in Ghana
Question 4
(a)State three problems associated with legitimate trade.
(b)Examine any two effects of legitimate: trade on the Niger Delta States.
History obj
-Social organizations
-political organizations
-settlement organization
-social organizations
-Religion organization
-Economic development
-system of govnmt was monarchical
-The king was semi devine
-He serves as an intermediaries btn de ancestors nd de Gods
-King of west African
Sudanese states headed central government made up of ministries
-Ministers of states were paid for their services
-Subjects regarded their kings as source of life,death,adversity nd prosperity
-THE knowledge of iron technology
-The leadership of powerful members
-Able leaders
-The role of sacred symbols
-De role of traditional comodities
-The introductn of firearms
-The atlantic slave trade
7a (1)Governor Ransford Slater (2) Governor Hubert Stevenson (3) Governor Beresford Stooke.
7b The Chiefs were very important in the colonial administration of the British.
The following were the roles played by the chiefs.
(1) They helped the colonial administration to collect taxes and from the people and implemented policies of the Government.
(2) Chiefs were heads of their people or heads of ethnic life in terms of demoestic and customary issues. They were responsible for interpretations and enforcement of customary laws. They settled disputes in matters relating to native and customary laws.e.g. marriage, witchcraft and woman palava to name but a few.
(3) They acted as intermediaries between the colonial government and the natives. Paramount chiefs explained colonial policies to their subjects. The British colonial administration got the acceptance of the people through the help of the chiefs.
(4) The Chiefs helped the British colonial administrators to maintain law and order as well as security through the establishment of native police force. The dealt with minor cases and local people were compelled to be law abiding. The Chiefs made used of age grades as law enforcement agencies.
(5) They mobilized their subjects for the building of their chiefdoms through customary labour and tributes. They led their people and motivated them in communal work. Chiefs ensured the maintenance of roads, bridges,schools, health clinics and markets. They also ensured that the general sanitary conditions of the town and villages in their chiefdoms were maintained. The Chiefs organized force labour for the British colonial administration.
(6a) The Block Poor, Nova scotians and the Maroon.
(6b) 1 The rebellion resulted in the victory of the Sierra Leone Company( The then governing body of the colony)
(2) The ring leaders of the rebellion were arrested and tried. Some were killed and others banished from the colony.
(3) The rebellion led to the Bankruptcy of the Sierra Leone Company. When the colony the colony was destroyed by the French in 1794, the company spent 55000 pounds for the rehabilitation of the colony. And in other to get back the money spent by the company. The company imposed taxes on the nova Scotia which they refused to pay and eventually led to it bankruptcy.
(4) Finally, the local government program of the Nova Scotians was dissolved. This was as a result of the rebellion against the company in 1800.
the sherbro political structure consented of sub-chiefs that ruled the political provinces.. Three of there are
i Sei Bureh Of Terma Bum
ii So Kong of Impen
iii So to of cha
2b.i The sherbro political organization was based on an elective principles that is the leader were elected
ii the rulers were descendant of matrimonial ruling families
iii The poro society served as an advisory council to the king, Bei sherbro
iv. The sherbro country was divided into provinces placed under sub-chiefs. It's mean that they have a system of decentralization
i. Bilateral trading
ii. Financial assistance
iii. Educational support(scholarship to study anywhere)
iv. Political stabilization
v. Help in peace making
Colonial agriculture was introduced by colonialist to produce cash crops which were to be exported to European to feed various industries. There were three categories of colonial agriculture namely.
Plantation agriculture is a large production unit of agriculture producing for sell and employing a large number of unskilled labourer who are closely supervised.They were huge agriculture plantations with a single production, they were either owned by the colonial government or absent capitalist in Europe who sent representative to take over plantations
The concept of industry refer to primary activities which involve the production of of raw material for food stuffs and secondary processing which include manufacturing. During colonial rule there was little development of industries. There was found were mainly processing and extractive industries. The main objective these industry were to reduce bulkiness and weight in order to make the exportation of raw material easy and ensure low freight charges
Commercial activities in the colonial were managed and controlled by merchants capital middlemen and marketing boards. Market board and cooperative union were introduced y colonialist where the middle men were discouraged.
Trade was nothing new among the Africans. Africans had been trading for along time. The pre-colonial Africa, trade was characterized by two major feature.
Much of it was marketing rather than trading proper. In other word selling one’s non products and buying one’s goods instead of transporting goods from a distance with other intention of making a profit.
Trade expended with the introduction of the white and gained momentum in the 19th century. The introduction of colonial rule and the flow of settlers in the colonies changed the nature of the pre-colonial trade drastically European introduced new kind of trade which aimed to serve their interests.
7a (1)Governor Ransford Slater (2) Governor Hubert Stevenson (3) Governor Beresford Stooke.
7b The Chiefs were very important in the colonial administration of the British.
The following were the roles played by the chiefs.
(1) They helped the colonial administration to collect taxes and from the people and implemented policies of the Government.
(2) Chiefs were heads of their people or heads of ethnic life in terms of demoestic and customary issues. They were responsible for interpretations and enforcement of customary laws. They settled disputes in matters relating to native and customary laws.e.g. marriage, witchcraft and woman palava to name but a few.
(3) They acted as intermediaries between the colonial government and the natives. Paramount chiefs explained colonial policies to their subjects. The British colonial administration got the acceptance of the people through the help of the chiefs.
(4) The Chiefs helped the British colonial administrators to maintain law and order as well as security through the establishment of native police force. The dealt with minor cases and local people were compelled to be law abiding. The Chiefs made used of age grades as law enforcement agencies.
(5) They mobilized their subjects for the building of their chiefdoms through customary labour and tributes. They led their people and motivated them in communal work. Chiefs ensured the maintenance of roads, bridges,schools, health clinics and markets. They also ensured that the general sanitary conditions of the town and villages in their chiefdoms were maintained. The Chiefs organized force labour for the British colonial administration.
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